Attorneys Use Theater to Prepare for Court

Judge Megan Goldish
1 min readJun 3, 2022


Judge Megan Goldish currently sits in the Domestic Violence Court in Cook County, Illinois. In addition to her law career, Judge Megan Goldish is also active in the theater community.

Many lawyers credit theater study with helping them prepare for court cases. Trial lawyers need to prepare opening and closing arguments, which can be very long and are often rehearsed for many hours so that they can be performed from memory. This memorization is similar to preparing for a role in the theater and is particularly related to studying and performing monologues.

Trial lawyers also need to appeal to the emotions of the jury and the judge when presenting certain elements of a case. This is similar to actors on stage, who are also trying to connect emotionally with their audiences.

Some attorneys even consult theater professionals in seminars or have them work with their clients. David Ball, former director of Duke University’s theater department, is now a trial consultant and has several publications about using theater work to prepare for court. In 1994, Ball published the book Theater Tips and Strategies for Jury Trials.



Judge Megan Goldish

Circuit Court of Cook County Judge Megan Goldish